Tuesday, 17 July 2007

5 Days

People ask me why I do it?
I do it cos I'm given a gift.
A gift that scares me sometimes.
But it's so wrong not to use it.

Everytime I give, I got something back..
This time I got the greatest gift of all..
I have someone in my Life who loves me..
Who sees me bigger than I see myself..

GLP 64, I salute you.
I'm everything I'm because you love me.

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

11 Days

Last Sat I finally get to see you sing in a concert,
When you parted your lips,
And your voice came through,
It was as if an angel was singing..
I was speechless..

Saying that I love you,
And experiencing it in me,
Both are so different in experience..
Never felt something so deep..
Such raging emotions!

Friday, 6 July 2007

16 Days

I sat there watching you sing,
Like an angel from high above,
Whom sent by Him to grace the Earth.
Blessed is He who bestow you with such a voice.

The passion in your voice..
The emotions raging..
I could hear them all..
Felt that you were singing to me..

In your arms I lie,
Stretch to the limits..
So much more I can give..
So much more I will give..

Your hands in mine..
Fragile though they feel..
And yet assuring..
Yes, those were the hands that held me up..